Hacker's Rest

Hack the Box - Nest Writeup

Hack the Box - Nest Writeup image

HTB - Nest Overview This was a fairly easy Windows box that required a bit of back-and-forth between locations and also a little bit of .NET-fu to proceed. Luckily there are tools and websites...

Hack the Box - Monteverde Writeup

Hack the Box - Monteverde Writeup image

HTB - Monteverde Overview Short description to include any strange things to be dealt with…when there is a proper description here the website build will stop breaking. Hopefully this is enough...

Hack the Box - Resolute Writeup

Hack the Box - Resolute Writeup image

HTB - Resolute Overview A medium-difficulty Windows box that was fairly straightforward. Privilege escalation required going through two different users and taking advantage of Windows domain ...

Hack The Box - Writeup Template

Hack The Box - Writeup Template image

Download me on GitHub Feel free to download and use this writeup template for Hack the Box machines for your own writeups. Please let me where you post them so I can check them out and see how yo...