Hacker's Rest

Hack the Box - Multimaster Writeup

Hack the Box - Multimaster Writeup image

HTB - Multimaster Overview Hold on to your seats, because this Insane Windows machine is a wild ride. TODO:Finish this writeup, there are more notes and stuff in the notes app if anything is mi...

Hack the Box - Remote Writeup

Hack the Box - Remote Writeup image

HTB - Remote Overview This machine is on TJ_Null’s list of OSCP-like machines. Have fun! Short description to include any strange things to be dealt with TODO: finish writeup, add images, cle...

Hack the Box - PlayerTwo Writeup

Hack the Box - PlayerTwo Writeup image

HTB - PlayerTwo Overview An Insane difficulty Linux machine that tested my web skills quite a bit and also had me doing as much research on new protocols and services as three or four easy or m...

Hack the Box - Traceback Writeup

Hack the Box - Traceback Writeup image

HTB - Traceback Overview Traceback is an easy difficulty Linux machine that gives a good introduction to web shells and tracing the steps of how an attacker compromised a server (then defaced i...

Hack the Box - Servmon Writeup

Hack the Box - Servmon Writeup image

HTB - Servmon Overview This was an easy Windows machine….but don’t get stuck chasing the rabbits! This machine is on TJ_Null’s list of OSCP-like machines. Have fun! Useful Skills and Tools L...

Hack the Box - Oouch Writeup

Hack the Box - Oouch Writeup image

HTB - Oouch Overview This had difficulty Linux machine taught me a lot about the internal workings of a federated access control system, specifically an implementation of Oauth2. Persistence a...

Hack the Box - Blunder Writeup

Hack the Box - Blunder Writeup image

HTB - Blunder Overview This easy difficulty Linux machine featured a content management system that was new to me, and a simple to use but interesting way to bypass a common configuration used ...

Hack the Box - Book Writeup

Hack the Box - Book Writeup image

HTB - Book Overview A medium Linux box that was fairly straightforward, but still challenging enough to teach some interesting use cases for ‘standard’ attacks. This machine is on TJ_Null’s lis...

Hack the Box - Forwardslash Writeup

Hack the Box - Forwardslash Writeup image

HTB - ForwardSlash Overview Useful Skills and Tools Enumeration Nmap scan I started my enumeration with an nmap scan of The options I regularly use are: Flag ...

Hack the Box - Sauna Writeup

Hack the Box - Sauna Writeup image

HTB - Sauna Overview A fairly easy Windows machine that requires a little ‘outside the box’ thinking in order to get the initial foothold. After that, simple enumeration will give everything e...